HealthLinks Charleston Jan/Feb 2023

28 | www. Char l es tonPhys i c i ans . com | www.Hea l thL i nksChar l es ton . com There was a time when pregnant women were discouraged from exercise as gentle as taking a walk because gravity might pull the baby out prematurely. Modern science has debunked those myths, and today’s women are encouraged to maintain active lifestyles right up until the baby arrives. Careful exercising can strengthen muscles, better preparing the mother for a healthy delivery. According to Caitlin Guevara, co-owner of Fit4Mom in Charleston, “Three great components of any prenatal fitness program are cardio, strength and core work. Cardiovascular exercise is particularly important during pregnancy to help the mom-to-be to regulate her heart rate, which increases during pregnancy, to manage the higher volume of blood delivering oxygen and nutrients to the baby.” FOUR EXERCISES FOR PREGNANT MOMS By Janet E. Perrigo