HealthLinks Magazine Jan/Feb 2024 | 29 AMP UP YOUR INTAKE OF ALLICIN Allicin, a compound found in garlic, supports your body’s fight against bacteria and inhibits a virus’ ability to reproduce. Crush raw garlic cloves and add them to pasta dishes or salads. BOOST YOUR DIET WITH BRASSICAS You know them as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leafy greens, rutabagas and turnips. These cruciferous vegetables in the brassica genus offer your body high levels of vitamins A, C, E and K, plus nutrients such as calcium, fiber, folate, iron, phosphorous and potassium. These vitamins and nutrients boost your body’s cellular health and strengthen your immune system. CREATE A STOREHOUSE OF VITAMIN C As a water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C functions like an antioxidant in the body, helping build and repair tissues while supporting a healthy immune system. You may associate vitamin C with citrus fruits such as grapefruits and oranges, but you might be surprised to learn that red bell peppers are also high in this immune-boosting vitamin. One-half of a pepper has about 76 milligrams of vitamin C, compared to about 35 milligrams found in half of an orange. As a new year begins, we all want to start 2024 with a clean slate by consuming healthy food. Want to keep your immune system strong all season? Pay attention to what you’re eating. According to Alaine Mills, a registered dietitian with the MUSC Health & Wellness Institute, adding nutrient-rich foods to your winter meals can give your body the immune support it needs to fight back against seasonal illnesses such as the cold and flu.