HealthLinks Charleston July/August 2022

10 | www. Char l es tonPhys i c i ans . com | www.Hea l thL i nksChar l es ton . com 16 | YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT The idea is to use food as preventive medicine, rather than having to rely on pharmaceuticals. 20 | ALL SYSTEMS CLEAR – CONTROLLING PANIC A body overreacts to a stressor, creating a fight-or-flight reaction that doesn’t apply to the day-to-day modern world. 22 | FACIAL SCARRING: HEALING AND HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2020, 15.6 million people in the United States had some form of facial surgery. 27 | SUN WORSHIPERS BEWARE Changes in pigmentation such as age spots, liver spots and freckles, along with wrinkles and other signs of aging on the face, are the result of photoaging, which is caused by exposure to the sun. 30 | SOOTHE THE SKIN WITH THE HEALING POWERS OF PLANTS Check out some of the natural remedies native to areas in South Carolina you can use to soothe your skin ailments this summer. 33 | WOMEN IN HEALTH We are lucky to live in a community where women not only are succeeding but leading and thriving in a field that touches everyone. 56 | FROZEN STIFF: A PAINFUL CONDITION WITH AN OMINOUS NAME Doctors don’t know for sure what causes frozen shoulder, but they agree that the nagging problem can take up to a year or more to go away, and there’s a decent chance it eventually will return. 59 | CONCUSSION DETECTION IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE Blink rates became the foundation for Dr. Trevanian Tsai’s research with engineer Mark Semler to develop a way to capture blink rates and translate that data into diagnosis for concussion. 66 | PUTTING YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD It’s important to consult a podiatrist as soon as possible if you have a foot or ankle issue that is affecting your daily activities. 69 | WHEN YOUR EYES ARE BIGGER THAN YOUR STOMACH While physical inactivity, processed food and the rise of fast food are contributing to health concerns, a general disregard of serving sizes also is a big issue. Issue 11.4 JULY/AUGUST 2022 CHARLESTON FEATURES W MEN I N HEALTH