HealthLinks Charleston March/April 2023

8 | www. Char l es tonPhys i c i ans . com | www.Hea l thL i nksChar l es ton . com 15 | BETTER HEALTH, LONGER LIFE With a love for the state and South Carolinians that runs deep, Dr. Brannon Traxler leads the way to better health. 22 | MINDFUL MUNCHING Become more aware of healthy eating habits and more in tune with the nutritional factors that play into purchasing locally. 26 | KING TIDE FARMS Hamilton “Hydro-Ham” Horne, founding owner of King Tide Farms, is all about bridging the gap between a food’s source and the dinner plate. Horne’s hydroponic smart farm provides specialized greens to many local restaurants. 30 | FORAGING 101 April Punsalan forages more than 50 edible and medicinal plants within two miles of her doorstep in Charleston. She can’t imagine life without foraging wild plants. Find out how she does it. 34 | SHOCKWAVE THERAPY For people experiencing chronic pain in their extremities, shockwave therapy offers a safe and innovative treatment option that includes the benefits of a short treatment time, quick recovery and no side effects. 38 | POSTCANCER PAMPERING Post-cancer life is supposed to be a time to burst forth with a sparkling super nova of newness. Not for Amy Gesell. It took pampering and beauty treatments to get her joy and power back. 46 | YOGA FOR TIGHT HIPS Yoga that targets the hips and energy healing are two popular ways to help hips get their groove back. 56 | COFFEE, TEA OR … There’s evidence that for more than 5,000 years, people have been testing, changing and developing all kinds of mixtures and flavors of tea, coffee, apple cider and hot cocoa. Learn the qualities of each. 62 | CARING FOR THE CAREGIVERS As the number of professional caregivers declines and there is more burnout among the caregiving ranks, selfcare has to come first. Issue 12.2 MARCH/APRIL 2023 CHARLESTON FEATURES