HealthLinks Charleston March/April 2023

86 | www. Char l es tonPhys i c i ans . com | www.Hea l thL i nksChar l es ton . com pathogens. Research shows it can do the same for the human body.” A self-professed “honey snob,” Dennard incorporates honey and bee life into his daily routines. “Every single day I eat it; it’s a ritual with my tea,” Dennard noted. “It is something that makes me feel like life is good, that life can be better than you think.” Dennard’s company offers a spa day with the bees at its Wilmington Island location in Savannah, Georgia. The Bee Garden there features a Bee Therapy Hut, one of the first in North America, that lets guests become one with the bees. “In a hive there is a sense of losing yourself,” Dennard explained. “The bees’ movement, the sounds, are deliberate, and soon you enjoy your own slow and controlling breaths while you savor the smells and the warmth that is generated by the bees’ wing movement. It’s like walking through the a redwood forest; it changes your energy.” Entrepreneurs John Berdux and Liam Becker founded the James Island-based company Apis Mercantile because of their passion and fascination with honey and its healing properties. Its popular products range from raw honey and hemp-infused honey to hemp tinctures, as well as body care, pet care and health supplements. Charleston resident and Montessori-trained educator Emilee Elingburg also knows all about honey’s healing power. “As a classroom teacher who took 175 kids to camp at Barrier Island, I’m a believer,” Elingburg said. “A big old tablespoon of honey got us through nights of constant coughing and days of sore throats. I used it for cuts and to alleviate the pains of a sting.” “‘Go on up to see Miss Emilee at the nurse’s cabin for a spoonful of honey’ was a constant request,” Elingburg added. “No child, or even an adult, is going to say, ‘Eeeew, a spoonful of honey.’” Neither would Winnie the Pooh. Learn More:,,,