HealthLinks March/April 2024 | 53 With many jobs tethering individuals to desks and screens for prolonged periods, the spine is increasingly subject to unnatural postures. Hunched shoulders, forward head tilt and slouched backs have become all too common, contributing to chronic pain and musculoskeletal issues, explained Dr. Matt Murrin, fitness and lifestyle consultant, physiologist, chiropractor and owner of Chiropractic USA in Mount Pleasant. “The human body is designed for movement and one of the primary culprits disrupting our alignment is the sedentary nature of many people’s lives today,” he added. The increased use of cell phones, whether it’s for social media, texting or work purposes — even iPads used to entertain and educate kids — contribute to a specific condition called forward head posture, or FHP. “Symptoms of FHP include the neck slanting forward and the head pokes in front of your shoulders instead of resting directly about them,” explained Dr. Sarah Kalani Wharton, chiropractor and owner of Cypress Chiropractic & Wellness in Charleston. This position can strain neck muscles and place extra pounds of pressure on the cervical spine, which increases the risk of spinal regeneration, she added. Physical changes in a person’s posture offer an alert that it is time to seek advice and treatment from chiropractors, a primary care physician and/or a physical therapist; however, quite often someone’s back can be misaligned without any obvious symptoms for a long time. “By the time symptoms appear, the problem has probably been festering for so long that discomfort begins because the nervous system has met its threshold,” Dr. Wharton explained. “The spine and the nervous system are essentially a highway from the brain to the body. Misalignment puts pressure on the nervous system until obvious symptoms appear.” Symptoms of misalignment may include brain fog, tight muscles, fatigue, anxiety and a sense that typical posture is “off.” While the challenges of contemporary living are evident, it is not all doom and gloom. In addition to seeking professional help, people can be proactive by making lifestyle changes. Back pain has become a silent epidemic that transcends age, occupation and lifestyle. According to health experts, poor back alignment is a major contributor to this pervasive issue.