HealthLinks March/April 2024 | 69 STRETCHING TOWARD BETTER HEALTH Caroline Nash, registered yoga teacher and owner of Community Yoga in Charleston, developed the following stretching routine that increases flexibility, reduces back and neck pain and promotes a sense of well-being. STANDING FORWARD FOLD: With your feet firmly on the ground, hip widths distance apart — EXHALE as you fold forward letting the weight of your head take you close to the ground. You can let your arms hang heavy or grab opposite elbows. Bent knees will release the low back and slightly bent knees will release the hamstrings and calf. Stay for 6 to 10 rounds of breaths. STANDING SIDE STRETCH: Stand with your feet together and your arms straight overhead. Clasp your hands together, with your fingers interlaced and pointer fingers extended. INHALE as you reach up and EXHALE as you lean to the right, being sure to press through your left foot and focus on continuing to reach up more than over. Stay for 3-5 breaths and then switch sides. RUNNERS LUNGE: Step your right foot back and lower into a lunge position, placing your hands on the floor on either side of your foot. You can shift forward and back, you can drop the back knee and release any tension in your hip and you can straighten your front leg. Placing your hands on books or yoga blocks will take pressure off your hips and allow you to relax more deeply. Stay for 8 to 10 rounds of breaths and switch sides. SUPINE TWIST: Lay down on your back. Bend your knees, drawing them towards your chest, giving yourself a hug. Then place the feet on the floor, shift your hips slightly to the right to stack your hips and align your spine. On an EXHALE, drop both knees to the left, opening your arms in a “T” shape and letting your gaze go in the opposite direction. Stay for 5-6 rounds of breaths and then switch sides. LEGS UP THE WALL: Sit on the floor next to a wall. As you start to lay down on your back, let your legs run up the wall. You should work to get your sit bones as close to the wall as possible and legs can be bent or straight. If the wall is uncomfortable, simply drape your legs over a chair. Focus on breathing in and out and stay as long as you like.