HealthLinks March/April 2024 | 77 “We recommend patients repeat the single session annually, as they are able. We also recommend adjunct therapy such as Nutrafol hair supplements, growth serum, etc., to support the in-office results at home,” Koniver shared. THE THICK OF IT Most users of these restorative procedures are satisfied with the results, seeing better retention of the hair they have, some new growth and thicker, more numerous strands. As with many aesthetic procedures, not everyone is a candidate. Both practitioners advised that pregnant women, anyone with an active infection, cancer, and, with the ACell product, anyone with allergies or objections to the use of porcine products, avoid these procedures. It’s also generally advised that because this process involves extraction of blood, those on blood thinners or with bleeding disorders may not be eligible for PRP hair restoration. It may be easier and less invasive than a full-on hair transplant, which is an actual surgery, but PRP and PRF injections still have possible side effects and still require aftercare. Aside from the usual bruising and swelling typically associated with injection procedures, patients might also experience some skin irritation and, though it’s touted as a “virtually painless” procedure, slight pain. Aftercare can include short-term limitations such as avoidance of blood-thinning agents like vitamins A and E, fish oils and aspirin for a week, skipping vigorous exercise and the sun for a few days, skipping caffeine and, if you’re a smoker, skip those cigarettes. Be sure to ask for clear post-treatment instructions from your provider. Sources: Studies in 2015 (Singhal P, Agarwal S, Dhot PS, Sayal SK. Efficacy of platelet-rich plasma in treatment of androgenic alopecia.) and 2022 (Meznerics FA, et al. Platelet-Rich Plasma in Alopecia Areata-A Steroid-Free Treatment Modality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. Biomedicines) illustrated improvement in all patients.