HL Charleston Nov/Dec 2023

HealthLinksSC.com | 21 GOOD GENES AND HEARTY IMMUNE SYSTEMS When Berardo was 62, she met with an internist to talk about her fascination with the possible correlation between good genes and good health. “The doctor tested five chromosomes to see what the future may hold for me – what my propensity might be to have various illnesses associated with aging,” Berardo told the group. The result revealed that four of the five chromosomes indicated she could be susceptible “to every neurological disease known to mankind – ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s – all of which have proteins that attach to nerve endings,” she added. “But the fifth chromosome was my powerhouse that could either negate neurological illnesses or ensure that symptoms were mild.” Berardo’s efforts to connect with the internist or find paperwork linked to that test have not been successful; however, it is likely that what she learned then mirrors more advanced research today. “Today, thanks to the mapping of the human genome and subsequent efforts to make sense of the resulting blueprint of As and Ts, Gs and Cs, we are close to being able to predict