HL Charleston Sept/Oct 2023

10 | HealthLinksSC.com Issue 12.5 Publisher CULLEN MURRAY-KEMP [email protected] Managing Editor LISA BRESLIN Associate Editor AMY GESELL Copy Editor BRIAN SHERMAN Art Director KIM HALL Webmaster GEORGE CONKLIN Sales Manager MANDY WILLIS [email protected] Writers Media Consultant BRANDON CLARK [email protected] Photographer JENN CADY [email protected] Distribution Manager CAROL CASSIDY Administration & Bookkeeping GINGER SOTTILE Distribution U.S. Post Office, Harris Teeter, Publix, CVS, Food Lion, Medical Offices TO ADVERTISE IN HEALTHLINKS, PLEASE CALL 843-732-4110 MEDICAL MARKETING GROUP HealthLinks Charleston reserves the right to refuse advertisements. Acceptance of advertisements does not imply the service or product is recommended or endorsed by HealthLinks Charleston. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from Medical Marketing Group, LLC. Medical Marketing Group 4 Carriage Lane, Suite 107, Charleston, S.C. 29407 843-732-4110 • [email protected] CHARLESTON PUBLISHER'S NOTE LISA BRESLIN HANNAH BROOKS AMY CONNOR BILL FARLEY AMY GESELL CATHERINE KAUFFMAN L.C. LEACH III KAREN LISZEWSKI RILEY MATHEWS COLIN MCCANDLESS JANET PERRIGO MOLLY SHERMAN THERESA STRATFORD LISA WACK Scan to discover our other HealthLinks platforms! I enjoy big projects. I enjoy the arduous chipping away – each day making slow, steady progress. I enjoy poking my head up from the trenches every so often to see a project evolve over time. Most of all, I enjoy the sense of satisfaction from a project well done. Nearly two years ago, we decided it was time take on the renovation of HealthLinks’ website – a project that would prove to be greater and more challenging than any other since the inception of HealthLinks magazine. The HealthLinks team, including key project stakeholders – graphic designers Kim Hall and Lynn Gottleib, webmaster George Conklin and project leader Jonathan Shanin – worked with web developers from three different countries to create a robust, user-friendly website full of information and imagination. It’s a website that meets your needs better. HealthLinksSC.com enables users to seamlessly explore thousands of local health articles and connect with quality providers throughout the Lowcountry and beyond. Through HealthLinksSC.com, our HealthLinks community has more efficient, direct access to medical information and health providers, empowering us to prioritize our personal health. Ultimately, HealthLinksSC.com will offer users the autonomy to hold the reins tighter as we navigate our own personal health and well-being. With that well-informed control, we believe that you will have healthier, happier and more productive lives. Dive in and enjoy what HealthLinksSC.com has to offer. Let us know about your experience. As with all new ventures, tweaks are inevitable. Your feedback will help us with those improvements. As a new school year begins and we bid farewell to the summer, I want to thank you for your trust and appreciation for HealthLinks. You continue to help us grow, to launch new projects and provide invaluable information. Halford Edward Luccock, a prominent American Methodist minister and professor, once stated, “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” Our good health and well-being are a symphony; it takes a whole orchestra of health care professionals, community members and publications/websites like HealthLinksSC.com to ensure that symphony is just right. Cheers to Good Heath, Cullen Murray-Kemp, Publisher Cullen Murray Kemp