HL Charleston Sept/Oct 2023

HealthLinksSC.com | 43 MIMIZAUR: TOOTH BRUSHING TIMER Make brushing teeth fun and rewarding for the whole family with Mimizaur. Although most suited for children 3 to 6 years old, reviews indicate older children, teenagers and adults are enjoying the oral hygiene adventure Mimizaur creates. The app motivates brushing sessions with cartoons that encourage brushing regularly and music curated for the teeth-cleaning task. With entertainment and education, the app helps instill the healthy habit – and make it one to look forward to. BRUSHOUT Readying you for a radiant smile, Brushout is the hygiene companion you didn’t know you needed. Convenient reminders and a calendar keep you frequenting your favorite brush, and there’s also an in-app dental timer. Home and lock screen widgets and Apple Watch and HealthKit integration allow the app to seamlessly fit into the interface. Users can also engage with brushing tips and informative articles to enhance their oral health commitment. APPS PAIRED WITH TOOTHBRUSHES Many brands extend applications paired with their toothbrush, integrating cleaning insights and oral education into their product offering. GUM, Philips and Oral-B invite users to record teeth cleaning coverage, brushing duration and habit consistency by syncing their device with an application. This category of apps also offers calculated suggestions on how to brush better with dashboard-derived guidance and real-time coaching. Some also connect with phone accessories and include applications, such as the Apple Watch and Apple Health app. Research your desired toothbrush to find the app right for you. BETTER HEALTH? THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! Get it on Google Play or download it at the Apple App Store. By Molly Sherman APPS FOR ORAL HEALTH