HL Charleston Sept/Oct 2023

HealthLinksSC.com | 75 a little different but includes strength training for her legs and arms, core exercises and cardio, along with functional exercise for balance and mobility. One key factor in attaining long-term health and vitality is muscle mass. Scully’s training includes a variety of ways to keep or even build muscle mass, which O’Connor believes directly equates to a better quality of life by maintaining mobility and reducing the possibility of injury. From the start, Scully jumped in with gusto, and O’Connor was impressed. “After only four weeks, I could increase the difficulty of her workouts,” O’Connor said. “She shows up every time, on time and with enthusiasm. It is so much fun to work with her. As she gets stronger, I have to mix it up and be creative, so I continue to challenge her.” Scully’s discipline and determination set her apart from many others who have joined gyms or even worked with personal trainers. She credits some of her motivation to the accountability she finds knowing that she has an appointment to work out. It’s on her calendar, and she doesn’t want to let O’Connor, or herself, down. O’Connor agreed that accountability is key for anyone looking to maintain a fitness plan. “Accountability doesn’t have to involve a set appointment with a personal trainer,” she explained. “Some people like having an exercise class schedule to follow, some people take advantage of our drop-in classes and sometimes just making a plan to meet a friend to walk creates that feeling of commitment.” Scully also continues to be motivated by setting challenging yet attainable goals. “I am proud of even small increases in strength, endurance and balance,” she said. “I know that some of these gains happen slowly but I’m willing to keep it going.” The benefits of a training session last far beyond the half hour she is at the Wellness Center. “After a workout, I have more energy, my head is cleared, I’ve worked out a lot of stress and I can even think better,” Scully pointed out. O’Connor knows there is no magic to developing and maintaining healthy exercise habits. But she said Scully has a unique spark, an intensity to accomplishing her goals that shows each time she comes to the Wellness Center. “Ginger is an inspiration and an athlete,” O’Connor said. Numerous reports cite the statistic that 50% of people who start an exercise program will drop out within six months. Ginger Scully is not one of them.