MUSC Wellness

12 | www.We l l nes sCenterMagaz i ne. com ost people know what they need to do to get healthier. After all, we are all inundat- ed with messages about the best exercise system or latest diet plan – all which promise to make us feel and look better. However, knowing what changes to make to get healthier and consistently implementing the changes as part of your daily routine are two very different things, according to Janis Newton, director of the MUSC Wellness Center. “What I’ve noticed through the years is that it’s easy to know what to do, but it’s hard to follow through consistent- ly enough to get long-term results,” said Newton. Newton has worked in the health and fitness industry for more than 40 years. She said the biggest difference between those who are successful at reaching their health goals and those who aren’t able to make lasting, sustain- able changes is usually where they are mentally and emo- tionally rather than what kind of plan they’re following. M Have a Clear Vision of Your Why Take Responsibility for What’s Self-Inflicted Get Help and Make a Plan Don’t Lose Hope