MUSC Wellness Center Summer 2022

www.We l l nes sCenterMagaz i ne. com | 7 The experienced and knowledgeable trainers at the MUSC Wellness Center can help you develop a solid training foundation for life using a science and evidence-based approach to training. The ultimate goal is to incorporate fitness as a part of your daily lifestyle. At the onset of your training regimen, our trainers will do a fitness assessment and consultation to determine your fitness and health goals. History shows that goals tend to change over time as you progress, so Wellness Center staff will do regularly scheduled assessments. This science and evidence-based approach to training is deeply rooted in the fundamental human movement patterns and the joint-by-joint approach to training. Fundamental human movement patterns influence the way we perform exercises. The joint-by-joint approach determines where the movement and power are generated and should be stabilized. For a more in-depth understanding of a joint-by-joint approach, refer to the first edition of the MUSC Wellness Center magazine. Other key components of any training and fitness program are cardio, effective record keeping, consistency and variety. Everyone needs to have a solid foundational cardiovascular base. This foundational base allows you to have the energy to sustain your training and perform enough work to continually progress. Your cardio can include walking, jogging, running, climbing or no-impact exercises such as swimming, cycling, rowing or gliding. Accurate training records and recovery charts help you to track your progress and determine how often and how hard you should train on any given day. We often tell our trainees that the reason you get better is because of what you do, but you don’t actually get better until you recover from what you do. To monitor your recovery, track your true resting heart rate, body temperature and perceived rate of recovery on a scale of 1 to 10 when you wake up. Changes in any one or combination of all three indicate changes in your body. For instance, if your resting heart rate starts to decrease, your conditioning is improving. If your perceived recovery levels start to go down, you are not recovering and need to focus on your recovery rather than training harder. This recovery chart takes the guesswork out of your frequency and intensity of training on any given day. It may not align with your availability given our busy lifestyles, but the science-based approach will help you to find optimal times and intensities to train. Consistency and variety are two keys to achieving your goals, and one tends to feed the other. Having variety will keep you engaged, motivated, and, when combined with consistency, will help you see measurable results. Getting started is always the hardest part of any lifestyle change. Utilizing our highly-skilled training staff to help design and teach you the foundational needs of a health and fitness regimen is a great way to break through the “getting started” process. The health and fitness assessment developed by MUSC Wellness Center’s Next Wave team will help to fine-tune any training program developed by our Wellness Center training staff. ◆ For more information or to sign up for an assessment,email Galen Bennett at [email protected]