HL Charleston Sept/Oct 2023

36 | HealthLinksSC.com “I want to be my most confident self, and, to me, my smile plays a huge role in that confidence,” Brener added. Three common misconceptions that keep some people from taking the whitening leap are that whitening can degrade the enamel of your teeth; you need to have a whitening procedure completed in an office using special lights and equipment to get professional results; and there are no options for people with sensitive teeth. Most professional whitening products are made from peroxide-based gels which do not harm enamel. In-office bleaching can be a convenient way of getting your teeth brighter because it can be done in one visit. However, it tends to be expensive. You can get the same results at home at a fraction of the cost, using a professional strength, at-home bleaching system. “I use the glo whitening system. I love it because each whitening session only takes eight minutes,” Brener said. “I have also tried several other whitening products and found that they caused sensitivity, whereas this system never has.” Despite the advances and the myriad of whitening options, not all teeth are easy to brighten. Intrinsic stains caused by factors such as heavy use of the antibiotic tetracycline during tooth development, teeth that darken after dental trauma or teeth that have had root canals might not respond to standard whitening procedures. Some more advanced dental treatments that might help improve the appearance of tetracycline-stained teeth include porcelain veneers, dental bonding, crowns, micro abrasion and internal bleaching. There are so many different strengths and bleaching systems out there that are safe and effective, but not all teeth are going to whiten the same. When in doubt, talk with a dentist you trust. Note: Information for this story was gleaned from an interview with a local dentist and from the American Dental Association. WHAT’S BEST FOR YOUR TEETH? It is important to talk to a qualified dentist to determine the best whitening approach for your teeth, as well as issues that might arise, such as tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. Options for you and your trusted dentist to consider include: • In-office professional teeth whitening; • Custom take-home whitening trays; • Over-the-counter whitening strips and gels; • Whitening toothpaste; • Home remedies using baking soda, hydrogen peroxide or activated charcoal. Learn more: The American Dental Association • ada.org.