HealthLinks Charleston July/August 2023

www. Char l es tonPhys i c i ans . com | www.Hea l thL i nksChar l es ton . com | 11 FROM THE EDITOR... Since I was in elementary school, I have filled many boring moments by looking for patterns. Connecting the dots among the freckles on my arms, I’ve spied Orion’s belt, pyramids, an occasional flower, a smile, a spatula and some other interesting shapes and configurations. Summer months bring new patterns as the freckles burst forth and, with age, brown spots bring new dimension to the palette: “I spy with my little eye an ant on the edge of a mudhole.” Brown spots are perfect mudholes. Thanks to HealthLinks reporter Linda Esterson’s story about the correlation between freckles and skin cancer, I have now added the ABCDEs of Melanoma to my connect-the-dot searches: A – Asymmetry; B – Border; C – Color; D – Diameter; E– Evolving. As a fair-skinned, avid fisher who is fraught with freckles, it is quite likely that I will be the 1 in 5 Americans that the American Academy of Dermatology says will eventually develop skin cancer. I need to be vigilant. We all do. Adding the ABCDEs of Melanoma to my life is only one example of how managing HealthLinks – a publication that offers a 360-degree dive into health – is flipping the script on my routines. “Yes, it’s true. I just accepted a job as managing editor for a health magazine,” I told my siblings as I chowed down on some Cheetos and put an “X” on the calendar to note that I blew off walking with my neighbor. I really do think that the universe and all my guardian angels decided that this job will awaken the healthier me. I know they are right. As I read about the healing power of laughter, National Avocado Day, the joys of community gardens and tai chi, I’m inspired to adopt better habits and explore more health-affirming experiences. I soaked up every piece of advice about aging with joy that the Keowee Key neighbors shared with reporter Lisa Wack for her “Words from Our Wise” article. Bill, Dave, Gerry, Julie, Jim and Gretchen offer more straightforward truths than books, TikToks and scholarly publications reveal. Thank you for picking up this new issue of HealthLinks. As always, we enjoyed connecting with members of the community to learn more so we can share more. To simple pleasures and good health, Lisa Breslin, Managing Editor JULY/AUGUST 2023 CHARLESTON PHOTOGRAPHY AND POSING EXPERT VISIT JENNCADY.COM AND SCHEDULE YOUR PHOTOSHOOT TODAY!